Content: Tea, Curry and Rice, Potatoes, Chocolate Biscuits, Fruit Salad, Spaguetti and meatballs
Indications: What image is underneath the squares. Click to reveal a part of it.
Content: Radish, Broccoli, Banana, Strawbery, Bell Pepper, Grapes, Orange, Pineapple, Onion, Carrots, Peas, Apple
Indications: Click each item to sort it in the correct group
Content: Meet Otto, a young Kernel who’s been dreaming about the day he would pop. But what happens when Pop Day finally arrives, and things don’t go as planned?
Indications: Watch and listen
Content: Teacher, Post Office Worker, Bus Driver, Supermarket worker
Indications: Click on one square to reveal the image. Then click the character to see the occupation